
Ansichtkaarten en foto’s van PTT straalverbindingstorens / Postcards and photos of Dutch PTT microwave towers

Dia’s / Slides

School dia’s / School Slides


Oude Foto’s / Old Photos



Telephone Museums / Telephones at Museums

Hengelo 2004

Impression of the collection at the HEIM (Hengelo’s Educatief Industrie Museum) in Hengelo.

Rotterdam 2004

Impression of the collection at the Houweling Museum in Rotterdam.

Trondheim 2003

Impression of the telephone collection at the Sverresborg – Trøndelag Folk Museum in Trondheim Norway.

Morbach 2002

Impression of the telephone collection at the Deutsches Telefon Museum in Morbach Germany.

Drouwen 2002

Impression of the telephone collection at the Telefoonmuseum Drouwen.

Den Haag 2002

Impression of the exhibition “Expositie Te koop telefoon : 1935-2002” at the Museum voor Communicatie, Dutch PTT Museum.

Den Haag 2001

Impression of the telephone collection at the Museum voor Communicatie, Dutch PTT Museum.

Berlin 2000

Impression of the telephone collection at the Deutches Technikmuseum Berlin.

Danmark 2000

Impression of the telephone collection at the Danish Telephone Museum.